Voltage Drop

Picking the Right Cable for the Long Run

Reliability may not be a tangible item that’s installed alongside a new furnace or wired into a dock-side crane, but it is nonetheless an essential “accessory” that can mean the difference between overtime and lost time; in-stock and out-of-stock; perfect fits and refits. Being labeled “unreliable” can mean ruin for a business, regardless of what you’re making, installing or servicing. That’s why it is vital to understand simple, yet often overlooked problems, like voltage drop in product applications.

What is Voltage Drop?

Voltage drop is the reduction in voltage in an electrical circuit between the source and the load. Wires carrying electricity have inherent resistance, or impedance, to current flow. Voltage drop is the amount of voltage loss that occurs through a circuit due to this impedance.

For equipment to operate properly, it must be supplied with the right amount of power, which is measured in watts, which is calculated by multiplying current (amps) x voltage (volts). Motors, generators, tools — anything that runs on electricity — is rated for power. The correct amount of power enables equipment to meet its designed power rating and operate efficiently. Too much or insufficient amounts of power can result in inefficient operation, wasteful power usage, and even equipment damage. That is why understanding voltage drop calculations and selecting the correct cable for each application is so important.

NEC Guidelines on Voltage Drop

The National Electrical Code (NEC) catalogs the requirements for safe electrical installations and represents the primary document for guidance in the United States. Providing direction for both trained professionals and end users, these codes set the foundation for the design and inspection of electrical installations. So how does the Code treat voltage drop issues? For branch circuits, look to NEC (NFPA 70) Section 215.2(A)(C) footnote 2 and Section 210.19(A)(A) footnote 4. Both advise that conductors for feeders to dwelling units should be sized to prevent voltage drop exceeding 3% and maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits should not exceed 5% for “reasonable efficiency of operation.”

In addition, look to NEC (NFPA 70) Section 647.4 (D) when dealing with sensitive electronic equipment. It states that voltage drop on any branch circuit shall not exceed 1.5% and the combined voltage drop on branch-circuit and feeder conductors shall not exceed 2.5%. It is important to note that much of the equipment manufactured today contains electronics that are particularly sensitive to excessive voltage drop.

Ampacity, a cable’s electric current-carrying capacity, is also connected to voltage drop. The Code stresses the importance of accounting for voltage drop when considering a cable’s ampacity rating and the need to satisfy both requirements. NEC Section 310.15 (A)(1) states that ampacity tables do not take voltage drop into consideration.

Causes of Voltage Drop

Voltage drop in an electrical circuit is primarily caused by resistance within the conductors. As electrical current flows through a conductor, such as a wire or cable, it may encounter resistance. This converts some of the electrical energy into heat, causing a drop in voltage. Things like material, length, and cross-sectional area of the conductor are all common things that contribute to the resistance. Loose or corroded connections also add resistance, increasing voltage drop. High-resistance components or faulty wiring can further increase the voltage drop, leading to inefficient operation and potential equipment damage.

Effects of Voltage Drop

The effects of voltage drop can significantly impact the performance and safety of electrical systems. 

Key effects include:

  • Reduced Motor Efficiency: Motors may struggle to start or operate inefficiently due to insufficient voltage, leading to increased wear and potential failure.
  • Inconsistent Lighting: Voltage drop can cause lights to dim or flicker, particularly noticeable in long runs of lighting circuits.
  • Overheating and Damage: Excessive voltage drop can lead to increased current draw by electrical devices, causing overheating and potentially damaging components or tripping circuit breakers.
  • Operational Instability: Sensitive electronic equipment may malfunction or operate unreliably due to voltage fluctuations caused by voltage drop.

How to Reduce Voltage Drop

There are several strategies to minimize voltage drop in electrical circuits, including:

  • Increase Conductor Size: Using larger-gauge conductors reduces resistance, thereby lowering voltage drop.
  • Shorten Circuit Length: Reducing the distance between the power source and the load minimizes the potential for voltage drop.
  • Balanced Loads: Ensuring loads are evenly distributed among phases in three-phase systems helps reduce voltage drop.
  • Voltage Regulators and Stabilizers: These devices can maintain a stable voltage supply, compensating for voltage drops.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodic inspections and maintenance can identify and address issues like loose connections that contribute to voltage drop

How is Voltage Drop Calculated?

For DC current, voltage drop is proportional to the amount of current flow and wire resistance. In AC circuits, total impedance and power factor (power loss ratio) also need to be considered. Since wire resistance is a factor of wire size, material and length of run, it is important to choose the proper wire size for the length of run to keep voltage drop at the desired level.

Use the following voltage drop calculation table to simplify your voltage drop calculations.

This table makes calculating project voltage drop straightforward and easy. For example, let’s say your project involves a 100-foot run of 12/3 SOOW wire, 12 amps line current for equipment, line circuit of 120 volts AC, 3 phase, 100% power factor. According to the calculation table, the factor is 3190. Next, multiply current x distance (feet) x factor: 12 x 100 x 3190 = 3,828,000. Finally, place a decimal in front of the last six figures, and the result is the volts lost, or voltage drop, which equals 3.8 volts in this example (3.2% of overall voltage).

So to ensure the reliability of your products, installations, or service calls, be sure to account for voltage drop when selecting cable. While it is primarily a nuisance issue, voltage drop can affect equipment efficiency, power consumption and cause potential damage to sensitive electronics and other systems. Fortunately, these issues are easily avoided, especially when you rely on the NEC codes and standards that relate to voltage drop: each of which provides useful guidance in ensuring the success of your application.

By selecting a cable with the correct voltage drop characteristics, you will optimize the operation of your connected equipment, increase your efficiency and prevent equipment damage. And that’s a pretty good payoff, in the short term or the long run.

Wire Size Power Factor % 90AC Single Phase80 AC Three Phase DC
14 AWG 100 5880 5090 5880

90 5360 4640

80 4790 4150

70 4230 3660

60 3650 3160
12 AWG 100 3690 3190 3690

90 3380 2930

80 3030 2620

70 2680 2320

60 2320 2010
10 AWG 100 2320 2010 2820

90 2150 1861

80 1935 1675

70 1718 1487

60 1497 1296
8 AWG 100 1462 1265 1462

90 1373 1189

80 1248 1081

70 1117 969

60 981 849
6 AWG 100 918 795 918

90 882 764

80 812 703

70 734 636

60 653 565
4 AWG 100 578 501 578

90 571 494

80 533 462

70 489 423

60 440 381
2 AWG 100 367 318 363

90 379 328

80 361 313

70 337 292

60 309 268
1 AWG 100 291 252 288

90 311 269

80 299 259

70 284 246

60 264 229
1/0 AWG 100 233 202 229

90 257 222

80 252 218

70 241 209

60 227 106
2/0 AWG 100 187 162 181

90 213 184

80 212 183

70 206 178

60 196 169
3/0 AWG 100 149 129 144

90 179 155

80 181 156

70 177 153

60 171 148
4/0 AWG 100 121 104 114

90 152 131

80 156 135

70 155 134

60 151 131
250 kcmil 100 102 89 97

90 136 117

80 143 123

70 143 124

60 141 122
300 kcmil 100 86 75 81

90 121 104

80 128 111

70 131 113

60 130 113
350 kcmil 100 74 64 69

90 109 95

80 118 102

70 122 105

60 122 106
400 kcmil 100 66 57 60

90 101 88

80 111 96

70 115 99

60 116 101
500 kcmil 100 54 47 48

90 89 78

80 99 86

70 105 91

60 108 93
600 kcmil 100 47 41 40

90 83 72

80 93 81

70 99 86

60 103 89
750 kcmil 100 39 34 32

90 75 65

80 86 75

70 93 81

60 97 84
1000 kcmil 100 31 27 24

90 67 58

80 79 68

70 86 75

60 91 78

This Resource Compliments of General Cable

General Cable is headquartered in Highland Heights, Kentucky, and is a global leader in the development, design, manufacture, marketing and distribution of aluminum, copper and fiber optic wire and cable products for the energy, communications, transportation, industrial, construction and specialty segments. General Cable is one of the largest wire and cable manufacturing companies in the world, operating manufacturing facilities in its core geographical markets, and has sales representation and distribution worldwide.

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