Application & Selection Guide for Standard Product
Electrical wiring is a crucial element in various applications, from industrial machinery to household appliances. The different types of wires are designed to meet the specific needs based on the temperature, voltage, and the environment they operate in. In the guide below, it will break down the various types of electrical wires, the materials, the designations, and the common uses to help one select the best option for the project.
Source | Designation | Product | Typical Applications |
UL/CSA | MTW | Polyvinyl Chloride | Machine Tool Wire: Multi-rated general purpose PVC wire for machine tools and panelboards. Suited for wet or dry applications. Rated 90C, 600V. |
UL | SIS | Cross-linked Polyethylene | Switchboard Wire: XLP is generally used for wiring of switchboards, distribution boards and control apparatus. Rated 90C, 600V. |
Polyvinyl Chloride | Appliance Lead Wire: Major appliances such as refrigeration and air conditioning units. Rated 105C, 600V. |
Silicone w/ Glass Braid | Appliance/Fixture Wire: Quartz heaters, toasters, thermal protectors and recessed light fixtures. Rated 150C, 300V. |
UL |
Silicone Rubber | Appliance, Motor, Control Lead Wire: Slow cookers, coffee makers, meat probes, lighting fixtures, motor leads, mercury switches and thermostats. Rated 150C, 300/600V. |
UL/CSA | FEP | Teflon | Appliance, Communications, Medical, Control Systems Lead Wire: Heater elements, gas Ignitors, appliances, thermocouples and electrical/electronic/surgical instruments. Rated 150C, 300/600V. |
Silicone w/ Glass Braid | Appliance, Fixture, Motor, Power Supply Lead Wire: Small domestic heating and cooking devices, motor leads, power supply leads and transformers. Rated 150C, 600V. |
UL | AWM Braidless Silicone |
Silicone Rubber | Appliance, Motor, Control Lead Wire: Slow cookers coffee makers, meat probes, lighting fixtures, motor leads and mercury switches. Rated 200C, 300/600V. |
UL/CSA | SF-1 SEW-1 |
Silicone w/ Glass Braid | Appliance Lead Wire: Small domestic heating and cooking appliances, hair dryers, steam irons, quartz heaters and thermal protectors suited for exposed leads. Rated 200C, 300V. |
UL/CSA | SF-2 SEW-2 |
Silicone w/ Glass Braid | Appliance/Fixture Lead Wire: Range top burners and back panels, steam irons, toasters, broiler ovens, gas dryers, kilns, quartz heaters and recessed light fixtures. Suited for exposed leads. Rated 200C, 600V. |
Teflon | Appliance, Communications, Medical, Control Systems, Military Lead Wire: Heater elements, appliances, thermocouples, gas ignitors, electrical/electronic/surgical instruments and military. Rated 180/200C, 300/600/1000V. |
UL/CSA | SP-1, SP-2, SP-3, HPN, HPD |
Thermoset Parallel Cord | 2 Conductors: Small signs, electric blankets, heating pads, broilers, flat irons, fry pans, coffee makers, hair curlers, air conditioners, refrigerators, soldering irons and industrial heating pots. Rated 60/105C, 300V. |
UL/CSA | SV, SVT, SVO | SV, SVT, SVO & Thermoset Round Cord |
2 and 3 Conductors: Floor polishers, sanders, vacuum cleaners, food mixers and office machines. Rated 60/90C, 300V |
UL/CSA | SJT, SJ, SJO, HSJO | Thermoplastic & Thermoset Round Cord |
2 and 3 Conductors: Portable hand tools, washing machines, polishers, sanders, vibrators, therapeutic machines, stop lights, dishwashers, sound equipment, heater cord, medical equipment, medium duty tools and machinery motor leads. Rated 60/105C, 300V. |
UL / CSA (CSA up to 10C only) |
Thermoplastic & Thermoset Round Cord |
2, 3, 4 and up to 70 Conductors: Heavy duty service for tools, portable lights, battery chargers, welders, floor surfacing machines and as pendant and control cables. Rated 60/105C, 600V. |
UL | Hi-Voltage SGI | Silicone w/ Glass Braid Braidless Silicone Rubber |
Gas Ignitor Wire: Furnaces, heating and air conditioning units, gas water heaters, range top burners, ovens ignition systems such as electronic high voltage and piezoelectric spark ignitors. Rated 150/250C, 10KVAC, 50KVDC. |
UL/CSA | PFA | Teflon | Appliance/Heating System Wire: Commercial food service equipment, appliances and heater elements. Rated 250C, 300/600V. |
UL/CSA | TGS/TGT TGGS/TGGT | TFE Tape w/ Glass Braid | Appliance, Lighting, Industrial Heating Lead Wire: Infrared ovens, flood lights, lamp holder leads, oil and gas fired furnaces, band and strip heaters and kilns. Rated 250C, 300/600V. |
MICA Tape W/ Glass Braid | Extreme High Temperature Appliance/Industrial Heating Lead Wire: Commercial food service equipment, heaters, heat treating furnaces, kilns, cartridge and band heaters. Rated 450C, 300/600V. |
UL/CSA | SPT-1, SPT-2, SPT-3, SRDT |
All Plastic Parallel Cord | 2 and 3 Conductors: Lamps, radios, clocks, televisions, fans, electric blankets, small signs, phones, refrigerators, air conditioners, heating pads, electric ranges and dryers. Rated 60/105C, 300V. |
Selecting the right wire for your application is essential for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity. Choosing the appropriate wire based on its material, temperature rating, and voltage capacity is important for optimal performance.
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